Welcome! Thank you for joining us at the Cornhusker Roundup!
Wear your name tag at all times–it is your admission to all events.
ALS Interpretation
If you require ALS Interpretation for meetings with an asterix, you need to put “ALS” in the email box on the online registration form (or check the box on the paper form) and submit by July 11th, 2025.
Parental Responsibility
Parents are responsible for the safety and appropriate behavior of their accompanying children.
Children twelve and under are not allowed in the main meeting hall.
Ice Cream Social
Generous servings of ice cream and toppings for $5.00 Hospitality room after the Friday night meeting.
Be sure to park only in authorized parking areas. Vehicles blocking fire lanes, parked in grassy areas, or any other unauthorized yellow marked areas will be towed at the owner’s expense.
Convention Related Sales
The Cornhusker Roundup policy is that the sale of AA/Al-Anon/Alateen related materials is only permitted in the AA Central Office Store, the Al-Anon Office Store, and media table. All others are asked to refrain.
Local AA
Information on AA groups in the greater Omaha area is available in the Central Office Store.
Meals are on your own. Several restaurants are within walking distance of the convention center
Reserve Seating
The only “reserved” seating is the chairs designated for the guest speakers, their spouses, and the hearing impaired. Cloth “RESERVED” signs are on these chairs. All other seating is on a first-come basis. Reserving multiple seats is strongly discouraged. We appreciate your cooperation and consideration in this matter.
There will be a dance following the Saturday evening speaker.
Smoking Area
Outside only. Please smoke in the designated smoking areas only, away from the entrance.
Hospitality Rooms
AA and Al-Anon Group and District sponsored hospitality rooms are located on the east end of the convention center, across from the registration desk. Many of the groups serve refreshments. Drop in and renew old friendships and make new ones. See you there.
Available at the end of each session. Please purchase singles as the Roundup progresses. Please order albums in advance for pickup on Sunday.
Emergency Announcements
Personal emergency announcements can be made from the podium during meetings. Write the emergency announcement and turn in to the Conference Registration table in the entrance foyer. All other emergencies should be reported to the arena staff.
General Information
AA Central Office Store and the Alanon store are located at the top of the stairs. They are open when meetings are not in progress. Literature and souvenirs are available.
Souvenir Coffee Mugs–Get a special souvenir Cornhusker Roundup coffee mug at the Round-up.
If you have any questions, please address them to members of the Roundup Committee (they wear white “COMMITTEE” ribbons).
The dates for the upcoming Cornhusker Roundup 48 are August 15th – 17th, 2025